Monday, February 4, 2008

WELCOME!!! - DC/Baltimore

Hello all!

Smo here! Touring hack guitarist for mose giganticus on the great white north [or seward's folly as i'm referring to it...] tour of 2008. Where the goal is to rock our way to Alaska and back!

To bring you up to speed from my end, I was asked to come aboard, basically on January 1st and have scrambled to get my act together. This past weekend mose picked me up from my former residence in Brooklyn, and transplanted me to his philly abode. after a brief stint in dramland, we made a trek to DC where mose partook in a clockwork orangey medical test that involved images and electrical shocks...makin money rocks!

we then ventured south to Viginia where we were to meet a cragslist contact and pick me up a marshall halfstack. The guy was pretty awesome, and neighbors with the guitarist of Foghat. He too appeared to have done quite a bit of time in some successful bands, and proceeded to demonstrate the amp's rocktitude with his chops. H gave me a stellar deal on his like new, JCM 900 [4100] and a Peavy 4x12!


now if only the shop would finish up my guitar...and i'd get that other one in the mail...

Currently we're crashing with friends abiku [] in baltimore, who are doing some awesome things right now with monsters!

Hopefully updates from the lane of kylemotron soon to come!

:: smo ::

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